Whooaa! Nemu barang bagus banget keluaran Anonymous cabang Jepang. Makes everything a LOT more clear. Videonya di sini. Terjemahannya aku dapet dari John Woo di Digg (links punyaku):
At the present time, we believe that there are many of you out there who do not clearly understand what Anonymous is, and why we are doing these actions.Anonimasu for the win! Yeah! Makin hari perang ini makin keren. Kayak cerita-ceritanya Naoki Urasawa atau bahkan Death Note sendiri (yeah, go check out the anime... Ini adalah perbuatan L!)!.
Unlike what the media would have you believe, Anonymous is not simply a group of hackers.
Anonymous is a private organization, that holds the beliefs that we must do what is right, that we must bring light into the darkness, and that we must open the eyes of the public who have been sleeping for so very long.
Among us are lawyers, parents, IT professionals, policemen, college students, veterinarians , people of all professions and all ages.
Anonymous is everyone. And Anonymous is everywhere.
We have no one commanding us, let alone a leader. The only thing directing our actions is our personal outrage.
We would like to inform you of how dangerous Scientology is.
Please, open your eyes to the violation of human rights committed by this cult.
Please, open your eyes to the case of Lisa McPherson.
Please, open your eyes to the existence of the Sea Org, the private navy of the Church of Scientology, where former members were forced to get abortions so they could continue with their work in the Sea Org.
Please, open your eyes to Scientology’s practices of child labor and appropriation of property by force.
Please, open your eyes to the case of “Operation Freakout”, and to what happened to Paulette Cooper.
Please, open your eyes to the case of “Operation Snow White”, and to the secret infiltration of the United States Government perpetrated by the Church of Scientology.
We would like you all to understand all these facts as a truth that has lied buried in the darkness for ages.
The information is out there.
The information is right there for you to do as you please.
Arm yourself with knowledge.
Be vigilant on the 15th of March.
We of Anonymous call for unity in participation of our event.
Under the flag of freedom, for the sake of free speech, human rights, and to protect our families, let us fight together.
Together with Anonymous, as a form of resistance, please, gather in front of Centers of Scientology around the world.
We are Anonymous.
We are legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Our voice will only grow louder.
Await us.
Apa itu Scientology? Kini mereka makin tampak sebagai kultus yang ingin mengubah umat/spesies/peradaban manusia dengan berbagai cara mulai kolusi dengan penegak hukum dan aparat negara sedunia, penyadapan jaringan komunikasi, pembunuhan berantai para pengganggu, aborsi yang dipaksakan... Dan kini, sebuah organisasi privat tanpa wajah sedunia beranggotakan belasan ribu orang telah mendeklarasikan perang terhadap mereka.
Paragraf di atas cocoknya di resensi komik, eui! Bukan kisah nyata! Tapi ini nyata! Crazy stuff... Anonimasu FTW!!
Update: Anonymous punya pesan buat yang pengen gabung Scientology. Cool!